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Club coaches Dillan Bartlett and Lisa Morgan qualified at recent BE coaching course

Lisa, back row, 3rd from left, and Dillan, front row 4th from left, qualified at the new 3-day BE level 1 course, 19 October 2019 organised by Herts Coaching coordinator, Brian Jackson, front row 2nd from R., and delivered by Paul Parham, BE National Coach (front row 1st on R). BE National Coaching Manager (back row, 2nd from R.) also attended to observe the course. They were joined by other participants from Hertfordshire and other counties.

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When we are unable to meet at Herts Sports Village we meet at Birchwood Leisure Centre, Longmead, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 0AN or another local venue, such as Queenswood school AL9 6NS. We will email members if there is a venue change to give you prior notice.


If you are interested in playing in any junior tournaments  see tournaments on Herts Junior Badminton Assn website: Hertfordshire Junior Badminton Association ( 

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